ii. Shadow of the Valley of Death VIR MVA Ch, KTK-II, ARJ-II SNL-1, YLA3, ASSA Champion |
iii. All That You Fear | |
iie. Dance on the Graves | ||
ie. Fell in Limerence ARJ-II, SNL-1, ASSA Champion |
iei. Leave It To Me | |
iee. Power of Limerence | ||
ei. Superiority Complex ASSA Champion |
eii. Superficial Charm | |
eie. Mind Games | ||
ee. Swift Italian Beauty |
eei. Fast and Furious | |
eee. Red Italian Beauty |
ARJ 05.05.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure | 2 / 12 |
ARJ 03.05.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 2 / 12 |
ARJ 02.05.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 3 / 12 |
ARJ 02.05.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 13 |
ARJ 02.05.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure | 1 / 12 |
ARJ 30.04.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 3 / 12 |
ARJ 29.04.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 2 / 12 |
ARJ 11.03.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 1 / 11 |
ARJ 11.03.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 14 |
ARJ 10.03.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure Driving | 1 / 14 |
ARJ 10.03.2016 | Reiter | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 15 |
ARJ 10.03.2016 | Reiter | English Pleasure | 1 / 12 |
ARJ 09.03.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 14 |
ARJ 09.03.2016 | Reiter | English Pleasure | 2 / 12 |
ARJ 08.03.2016 | Marabel | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 10 |
ARJ 08.03.2016 | Reiter | English Pleasure | 3 / 12 |
ARJ 07.03.2016 | Reiter | English Pleasure | 1 / 12 |
ARJ 06.03.2016 | Marabel | Informal Combination | 2 / 11 |
ARJ 30.12.2015 | Ricochet Ranch | Rack | 2 / 13 |
ARJ 30.12.2015 | Ricochet Ranch | Slow Gait | 1 / 13 |
ARJ 29.12.2015 | Ricochet Ranch | Rack | 2 / 13 |
ARJ 28.12.2015 | Ricochet Ranch | Slow Gait | 3 / 13 |
ARJ 28.12.2015 | Ricochet Ranch | Rack | 3 / 13 |
ARJ 08.10.2015 | Aasikartano | Informal Combination | 3 / 10 |
ARJ 07.10.2015 | Aasikartano | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 9 |
ARJ 06.10.2015 | Aasikartano | Informal Combination | 3 / 10 |
ARJ 01.10.2015 | Delmenhorst | English Pleasure Driving | 3 / 23 |
ARJ 01.10.2015 | Delmenhorst | English Pleasure | 1 / 23 |
Tämä on virtuaalihevonen / This is a SIM-game horse
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